POZI is a monitoring and fleet management application that gives intelligence to your vehicles.ADOPT THE FEATURES OF AN INTELLIGENT VEHICLE- Administrative assistant- Personalized alerts- Trip history- Recalls and incidents reports- Live notifications- Analysis of routes and areas- Remote vehicle stop- Activity ReportMONITOR THE ACTIVITY OF YOUR VEHICLES IN REAL TIMEPOZI analyzes movements in real time and shows you the evolution of the activity of your vehicles. You have reliable information on the performance of all your connected vehicles at all times. The use of your vehicle has no more secrets for you thanks to the information that POZI allows you to view: mileage, trips, incidents, positions, etc.INFLUENCE THE BEHAVIOR OF YOUR DRIVERSNotifications notify you in real time of any "abnormal" use of your vehicle: excessive speed, accident, driving in a prohibited area or outside of authorized hours, etc. Customize your alerts according to your needs.REDUCE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE COSTSReduce your costs by up to 12% by monitoring compliance with your driving rules and reduce your maintenance costs by encouraging your drivers to avoid degraded areas or areas at high risk of accident.STAY UPDATED FOR FOLLOW-UP AND INTERVIEWSPOZI is an administrative assistant that reminds you of the deadlines for your next oil changes as well as the renewal of mandatory documents and equipment (insurance, technical visit, extinguisher card)